What may be covered by workers' comp?
The reality is that many people don’t think twice about workers’ comp in Nebraska until they are injured. Then, they don’t know what types of payments they’re entitled to or how to get them, even though this process is very important. To help you before you’re injured, below are examples of a few things that can be covered by workers’ compensation.
Immediate medical care. If you had to be rushed to the hospital with a broken arm, for example, that’s covered. You can also get coverage for follow-up procedures, medication and other things that are related to the injury or illness.
Replacement income. You may lose wages if you’re out of work and you’re paid hourly or by the job. If so, workers’ comp can give you replacement wages so that you can still make ends meet.
Permanent injury costs. For one thing, you may need medical care for the rest of your life with a permanent injury. Additionally, you may no longer be able to work. Both of these cost you a lot, and may be covered.
Retraining costs. In some situations, the injury means you can’t do the job you used to do anymore, but you can be trained to do a different job, ensuring that you keep your source of income.
Survivor benefits. If the injury is so severe that you pass away, your family members may be able to get compensation for their own losses, including the loss of income.
The financial side of an injury is very important, so be sure you know what’s covered when you’re hurt.
Source: FIndLaw, “Workers’ Comp Benefits Explained,” accessed May 20, 2016