Are you familiar with workplace chemical hazards?
Depending on your job, you may find yourself in close proximity to chemicals on a regular basis. While this may be something that’s expected of you, remember this: It can be dangerous at times.
A chemical hazard can pose a variety of health hazards, including but not limited to skin irritation and carcinogenicity.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration does its best to help employers and employees avoid hazardous chemical accidents, but mistakes can and do happen.
Here’s something to keep in mind: Employers that use hazardous chemicals are required to train employees on how to handle these substances. Furthermore, they must also have safety data and label sheets for exposed workers.
In the event that your health is impacted by a chemical hazard, it’s imperative to receive immediate medical attention. The sooner you are treated by a medical professional the better chance you have of making a full recovery.
In some cases, you may find that exposure prevents you from returning to work. In this case, you need to learn more about making a workers’ compensation claim. This will allow you to collect compensation until you can return to your job.
At our law firm, we know just how difficult it can be to file a workers’ compensation claim related to chemical exposure. Fortunately, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to help our clients receive the benefits they deserve.
If you have reason to believe you should be receiving workers’ compensation benefits, don’t hesitate to file a claim. Furthermore, if it’s denied, you have the right to file an appeal.
Source: United States Department of Labor, “Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances,” accessed Oct. 17, 2016