Many people assume that they are covered by workers’ compensation, but find themselves in for a big surprise after suffering an injury. On the same note, many workers assume that they are unable to receive workers’ compensation benefits after suffering a workplace injury. Unfortunately, this leads to a situation in…
An injury causing an amputation doesn't have to end your career
Have you witnessed a workplace accident in which a co-worker lost a body part? Along with the trauma that such an incident can cause a victim and any witnesses, it will naturally raise concern about how you will cope should you lose a leg, arm or even just a finger….
Finding a job after a serious workplace injury
There are many challenges associated with an on-the-job injury. In addition to the pain and suffering, you’ll soon begin to worry about your future. For example, you may have questions about whether you will ever be able to return to work. In this case, you may also have questions about…
Neck sprain: From symptoms to treatment
If you have never suffered from a neck sprain in the past, you may assume that this is a relatively minor injury. While it may not be the most serious injury you can suffer, it can definitely cause both pain and discomfort for an extended period of time. There are…
Find the right doctor after your workplace injury
If you suffer any type of workplace injury, it’s important to receive immediate medical attention. For example, in the event of an emergency, you’ll want to call for an ambulance and receive care at a local hospital. However, once you are stabilized and you have a better idea of your…