On-the-job foot injuries are common and costly
Depending on your profession, it’s possible that you could suffer a serious foot injury at some point. This is why it’s so important to keep this part of your body protected at all times.
Occupational Health & Safety shares a variety of statistics related to foot injuries, all of which will open your eyes as to the importance of protection:
- Every year, more than 60,000 foot injuries lead to lost work days
- Approximately 75 percent of injuries occurred on the job when workers were not in compliance
- The average cost of a day of work lost to a foot injury is nearly $10,000
- Eighty percent of injuries are the result of an object weighing 30 pounds or less impacting the foot
These are the types of statistics that show just how common on-the-job foot injuries have become. Furthermore, these statistics show that a foot injury, regardless of the type, can lead to trouble both for the injured individual and his or her employer.
Fortunately, there are many ways to protect against on-the-job foot injuries, such as by wearing the appropriate shoes at all times. Also, there are steps you can take to prevent objects from falling onto your feet.
If you suffer any type of foot injury at work, you should immediately stop what you are doing to assess the situation. Once you receive treatment, turn your attention to the long-term impact and type of care that is required. If you are unable to return to work, you should learn more about your ability to receive workers’ compensation benefits.
Source: Occupational Health & Safety, “A Cure for Common Foot Hazards,” accessed Sep. 15, 2017