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What Benefits Can I Receive Under Workers’ Compensation?

Your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance will pay for the treatment of your work-related injuries or occupational diseases, and if necessary, it can pay you to train for a new job and replace some of the income you lost because of not being able to work because of your injury.

No injured worker has ever gotten rich from filing a workers’ compensation claim. In fact, the purpose of a workers’ compensation claim is to enable you to break even. For example, workers’ comp pays for your work injury-related medical bills instead of you having to use your own personal health insurance and be responsible for paying out of pocket for any portion of the cost that your insurance does not cover. Workers’ compensation does not just cover medical bills; it can cover all the financial losses you suffered because of the work injury, including those related to not being able to work because of your injury. Unlike personal injury cases, workers’ compensation cases are not concerned with whose fault the injury is; workers’ compensation laws state that employers are responsible for paying for the treatment of injuries that workers sustain at the place of employment while working. For help resolving disputes over how much your employer’s insurance should pay on your workers’ compensation claim, contact an Omaha workers’ compensation lawyer.

What Medical Expenses Does Workers’ Compensation Pay?

When you file a workers’ compensation claim about a work injury, workers’ comp must pay for all the treatment you need to reach maximum medical improvement, which, in the best cases, means a full recovery from your injury. If maximum medical improvement in your case means that you have residual symptoms, workers’ comp can also pay for medical expenses related to the management of those symptoms. These are some of the medical expenses that workers’ compensation benefits can pay:

Disputes may arise regarding which treatments are medically necessary and whether the symptoms for which you are seeking treatment are the direct result of the work injury.

Workers’ Compensation Pays More Than Just Medical Bills

Workers’ compensation can provide other benefits, too, if your injuries are serious enough to keep you away from your job for an extended period. For example, you can get temporary disability benefits or permanent disability benefits if you must remain out of the workforce temporarily or permanently. If you can return to work, but only at a less physically demanding job than your previous one, workers’ comp will pay a portion of the difference between your old rate of pay and your new rate of pay. It will also pay for your training for a new job and assistance with your job search.

Contact Andres Law Offices, PC LLO, About Workers’ Compensation Disputes

An Omaha workers’ compensation lawyer can help you if your employer is not enough to cover the treatment of your work injury. Contact Andres Law Offices, PC LLO in Omaha, Nebraska, about your case.